June 10 on 10

This is my first month with this lovely “10 on 10” group.  Be sure to follow the link at the bottom and continue the circle.  I actually had a completely different day documented.  One with professional makeup, beautiful friends and lots more pictures of where I live.  I live in Naples, Italy and as such I feel pressure to include more of it in my work.  After documenting that day, however, I felt that it lacked inspiration, so for this first post, I focused on what always inspires me.  My family.  It was a very normal day (Aside from the ridiculous amount of sweets we ate that day) My husband coming home after the mid shift to my daughter already on her 3rd dress up outfit of the day, I walk to the beach which wasn’t all laughs…you know, the usual when you have a 2.5 year old.  The day was simple, usual and completely “US”.

Morning Homecoming
Warm Graffa (Italian Donut)
Saltwaters, Sand and Shadow
Adding more salt water to the Mediterranean
Lunch and a show
“You’re IT, dad!”
Cookies and deep thoughts
Post dinner gelato outing

Morning Homecoming Hot Graffa Shadow and Sand Adding Saltwater to the Sea Lunch and a show Naptime AWAKE! Tag, you're it! Cookies and a break After dinner gelato expeditionNow Head over to the talented Katie of Kate Suzanne of Kate Suzanne Photography  in Arkansas to see what she has in store for us this month.