May Fine Art Challenge: A Study in Shadows

“In order for the light to shine so brightly, the darkness must be present”-Francis Bacon

I’m so excited to be participating for the first time in this Fine Art Photography group.  It’s a very talented group and I’m thrilled to be a part of it.  Make sure you follow the link at the end of this post to continue the circle and see what the other photographers have in store.

This month I’ve really been focusing on shadows in my images and finding interesting balances between dark and light as inspired by my workshop that just ended *tear*.  I hope you enjoy.Lightpatch edit darker-1



Now go check out Carrie Hyche at Heart of the Westland Photography to see what wonders she has in store this month.

10 thoughts on “May Fine Art Challenge: A Study in Shadows

  1. Pingback: Ignite: A Creative Discovery (May Fine Art Photography) Arkansas Photographer - Kate Suzanne Photography » Kate Suzanne Photography

  2. Oh my what a little doll! She’s precious! And great job on the shadows. I really like the second one with her holding the bear and looking through the fence. Very moving. And again, welcome! 🙂

  3. So happy to have you with us, Amanda. What workshop were you a part of? You have a little darling on your hands and that second image is just breathtaking! Glad that you are a part of our group!

  4. Welcome Amanda, I’m sure the workshop with Val and Breeze was amazing! These are lovely images and I really like the patterns of dark and light especially in the second 2 images. The look on her cute little face in the first is priceless!

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