30 Minutes in the life of My Daugther

My little one is almost two and a half. She’s growing up, doing more, finding her own voice. When I look back at photos of her I want to be able to see who she is and remember the moments as they happened. A couple of days ago I decided to take 30 minutes and follow Scarlett around with my camera. For the most part I tried to be invisible and just let her carryout her activities. These photos are some of what resulted from this exercise.




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Camera Liberated!!!

As some of you know, we finally moved into our Italian apartment in Vomero.  Vomero is an absolutely stunning area of Naples that sits up on a hill and overlooks the rest of the city.  Not only is the area beautiful, but it’s full of amazing shops, restaurants, art galleries, museums, 7 gelato shops within a 2 block radius…you name it, it’s here.  The only little teeny sacrifice one has to make to live in such an area is living space. Not really a big deal as you have the whole city as your backyard, but it’s kind of a big deal when you move in and the movers don’t come again for two weeks to pick up your boxes that are blocking any free space in your apartment.   Anyway, for the past two weeks, my camera has been stuck in a cabinet behind said boxes.  It’s been driving me crazy!  Inspiration will strike and then I’ll remember, oh right, my camera is stuck in a closet.  We kept calling the movers and they kept saying, “Be patient”.  Resigning myself to the fact that the movers were never going to come and rid our house of the boxes stuffed with paper piled to the top of our 15 foot ceilings, I plead my camera case to Nathan and he gallantly tackled the box wall and rescued my camera from its prison.  I was so excited!  I almost immediately took it out and took these photos of my favorite little model.  

The two photos above don’t have any post process editing.  They’re just taken with a ziploc bag over my lens.  Thanks to my new friend and amazing photographer, Liisa Roberts. for the awesome photography hack.  

Scarlett Turns 2

First off, welcome to my new website! 

Moving on to my favorite subject, my little girl.  Well, it’s happened. My sweet baby girl has turned 2! I know every mother says this, but it seems like yesterday I held her in my arms for the first time. Now she’s her own little person. Her favorite things right now are coloring, jumping, singing and getting really bent out of shape if things don’t go her way.  She actually turned two while we were visiting Rome and I had big plans to do a photo shoot there, but due to inclement weather and an overall feeling of being completely done with the trip, that plan failed.  A couple days ago we took a day trip to Sorrento and it took my breath away.  The pictures that follow are what transpired there.